I realize that folks haven't got access to some of these studies that I reference. However, I don't put junk up here. This work was done by top flight researchers (Genersch, et al)

DWV suspensions were
injected ventrally through the intersegmental membrane between the
third and fourth abdominal segment (the typical feeding place of V.
destructor) using a microlitre hollow needle (Unimed). Control pupae
were mock infected with 2 ml PBS (pH 7.0) or not manipulated at all.

All pupae were kept in an incubator (35 uC, 60–70% humidity) until
the end of metamorphosis (fully developed adult bees). Pupae fatally
injured by coarse piercing or handling became noticeable within 12 h
post-infection (p.i.) by melanization and death. These pupae were
removed from the experiments.

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