> ...Theobald found the missing study, along with incriminating EPA memos showing their mishandling of clothianidin's registration. The first memo, dated February 20, 2003, says, "Considering the toxicity profile and reported incidents of other neonicotinoids (e.g. imidacloprid), the proposed seed treatment with clothianidin has the potential for toxic risk to honey bees, as well as other pollinators." The scientists recommended requiring a study that spanned the entire life of a worker bee to test clothianidin for toxicity to the workers (as well as to the queen) prior to allowing the product on the market.


> Bayer finally completed its study and submitted it to the EPA in August 2006. The EPA left the study to collect dust until November 16, 2007, when they reviewed it and deemed it acceptable. Thus, clothianidin's registration was finally complete. Eight months later, Theobald found the study online. In an article he wrote for Bee Culture, he summarized it as follows: "Here's what the life cycle study of bees and canola consisted of: four colonies of bees were set in the middle of one hectare (2 1/2 acres) of canola planted from treated seed, with the bees free to forage over thousands of surrounding acres in bloom with untreated canola, which they most surely did. What do you think the results were? They were exactly what Bayer wanted of course."...

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