Joe writes:

> A focus on bee disease and controls without any consideration towards the value of resistance mechanisms found in traits, would be distressing, at least for myself. 

Since I was the one who posted the EXCERPTS, allow me to comment. These journal papers are copyrighted and therefore I cannot post from them at great length. I offered a small portion of the work, for review purposes only. Of course breeding was discussed, has been discussed for one hundred years as a solution to bee disease. In fact, they say:

> The selective breeding of Varroa tolerant bees is considered to be the only long-term solution of the Varroa problem. 

Biology and control of Varroa destructor
Peter Rosenkranz, Pia Aumeier, Bettina Ziegelmann
Journal of Invertebrate Pathology

Why are we still discussing it?

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