right now across Minnesota coops and farm supply operations are heading out today with 
boom sprayers to spray lorsban on flowering soybeans for aphids. 

i assume this is going on all over the midwest. 

for fun I am calling the mn dept of Ag director of pesticides and enforcement to have him 
explain how this massive disregard for label laws and pollinators can go on year after 

i'll ask him if he remembers the pre-aphid period before 2000 when butterflies and 
pollinators appeared to be more common and news of missing bees had not yet started. 

i will remind him that with a crop or not many of the bean growers get checks in the form 
of subsidies. i'll ask him if he is aware of any programs that pay beekeepers for no honey 
or weakened bees.

then I'll ask him as a tax paying citizen of MN what he is going to do about it. I'll ask him 
if I need to call the attorney generals office to have them look into MDA and whether they 
are too close to Big Ag and or why they are not making even a feeble attempt to rein in 
this illegal spraying. 

(please no recycled pictures of butterflies in fields of the midwest as a rebuttal, we've 
seen those before and they prove nothing - thanks)

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