Hi Dee:
How does spraying syrup make it better for bees, you ask. I suppose it makes it better for bees 
that are affected with the newer nosema disease in that it appears to be the only way to get them 
to consume medicated syrup.  That is what Eric Mussen pointed out in his newsletter article that 
was also posted by 'Catch the Buzz'. 

Yes, I know (and respect) your philosophy of not medicating bees at all. So in that regard spraying 
syrup on bees as opposed to providing it to them in hive top feeders will be a non-issue for you. 
Others are willing to medicate their bees. And yes, I'm also of the opinion that many beekeepers 
do overmedicate their bees. I guess it's a matter of how much is too much. For you, it seems any 
amount of artificial treatment is too much. Others are not quite that adamant. 

Dick Allen

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