On Sat, 10 May 2008 11:17:25 -0700, Dee Lusby <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

"  But what do common beekeepers know when politics is basically being played instead of actual 
analysis in a way. But should we even talk such things......unless we really want problems solved!"

So if I hear what you're saying is that your bees are not really AHB genetics but rather there is a 
possible  conspiracy of sorts within our government at not only the state but federal level to 
incorrectly define some peoples bees as containing AHB genetics.  You know come to think of it 
there's been an awful lot of UFO sightings too recently in your region that our government will not 
acknowledge as real either. Why do you suppose they would do such a thing Dee? 

We really do live in bizarro times with dying bats and missing bees and so on....

What are they hiding? Another posting just the other day noted that researchers had hidden the fact 
the Nosema Ceranae has been in the USA for over a decade. An then there is the Bayer conspiracy 
known as the Dirty Seven. 

Who knew that beekeeping was full of such secrets and intrigue?  

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