>>Temps were in low 80s fwiw. By negating right and left running you learn to read the discodial movements of the bees, and then to negate it, you take virgin queens from right movement to requeen hives with left movement hives, and vice versa... Hasn't anyone ever told you about doing that?

Well, I am reading about for the first time.  Perhaps it's well known in other beekeeping circles.  To be honest, I have no clue about what you are describing.  Would you simplify it for me please?  Is there  website that describes this by chance?  I am most interested in learning about this.

>>Well, what can I say, so much for hot killer bees, with us old women working them!

Well, there are African bees and African bees.  In South Africa, they keep African bees with large colonies.  Whether you have African bees or not, I do not know.  It matters not to me.

>>Production is down so much now in our country.

It is regrettable because the US has great potential.

>>Kinda makes one wonder what has been lost, that now imports are supplying instead, while more and more...

The US is overly relying on cheap imports and getting itself into debt...  Excessive debt has a habit of catching up with people.


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* http://www.honeybeeworld.com/bee-l/default.htm   *