As if the off label implication was not headline news already. 

I was blown away by the revelation that Apistan had become significantly more concentrated. This 
must have affected many,  many beekeepers over the last decade. 

I'm shocked that the manufacturer or someone else had not disclosed this for so long as it 
apparently was in the EPA archives.
I sent an email to Dadant today with the video link and suggested they might consider dropping 
Apistan and Checkmite. We need some leadership in the industry on this self contamination issue.  
Where is ABF on this I wonder?  oh yeah maybe they're still drinking the Imid kool- aide while Rome 

Its not going to be long and the data is going to get published. We have a window  of opportunity to 
get ahead of this issue now. How foolish will all beekeepers as a collective look when the public 
hears that via labeled or off labeled use we have succeed in contaminating the brood nest? 

The facts are here - what will we do about it?  

Do we need to start a petition to pull Checkmite and Apistan from the market?   count me in....

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