nice post Deknow

i found this data to be at least one nail in the coffin for the idea that self contamination of hives is 
a core factor in CCD.

for those interested mainly in the CCD/pesticide data start around 37 minutes (previous is 
background and overview) and run to 1 hour

anyhow She presented data that showed brood from CCD hives contained levels of fluvalinate that 
were near the LD50 levels. 

a weak correlation existed between high fluvalinate and comouphos levels in bee bread and colony 

the really interesting data to me is that fluvalinate chemistry has changed since its introduction as 
Apistan,  to be now almost twice as toxic as the original material.  this new version can be toxic at 
levels as low as .2 mg/bee according to EPA data. 

this gets even more interesting is a chemical that's commonly mixed and sold as a premix with 
fluvalinate for labeled Ag uses lowers the LD50 to  .0094 mg/bee and is very very toxic to bees. 
the implication was that off label use (blue shop rags) could have unintended results. oops!

how many collapsed loads in CA had their annual fall blue shop rag treatment a few weeks earlier 
before being shipped west? 

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