trying again
And BTW Aaron who should we 'tiptoe' around?

some thoughts, no observations 

I hope The almond guys know that full formic
is a semi effective treatment for ccd (X)
The hive will still be infected, but will not crash
You'll probably end up putting 3 pads/year
Welcome to the 21st century
Effect is noticeable day 10, increased morale etc
DON'T put on straight off truck, they would kill Q
At least 2d to settle
They may kill a few Q still, temp dependant mostly

Remember X is fairly infectious, anything within 1/2 flight is at risk
Luckily their flight efficiency is impaired too, many die on the ground

The big problem with X is its long life
I suspect that is a constant source of reinfection in the hive
Is it carried on your hands, clothes?

Ah Ken, you haven't been following my thread
Read it all, you see I got about 20-25% ccd covered
More treatments are needed, 2 is not enough
Last year I was a bit slow off the mark, a few
tests remain to try. But I have to patiently wait 3 months
And to correct record I am retesting S, it may
have long term effect
If you use any of my ideas feel free to publish,
that's the price


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