Ok, here’s our first real question for discussion.  We need to decide who can subscribe.  We talked about this months ago when we were at the retreat, but I didn’t get a concrete decision as to whether we were limiting the list to employees of member companies only, or if we were going to just throw the doors open wide and let anyone who wanted to subscribe join.  Personally, I think it should be a perk for our member companies, and if someone wants to take part in the list, they should join the council.  However, it is a good marketing tool too.  Remember, we can dump meeting information on here too.


So, what’s the desire of the steering committee?  Do we open it up to everyone, or limit it to our member companies only?  Let me know what to do . . .




PS:  Don’t forget to hit “Reply All” so everyone can be in on the discussion.


David J. Arthur, SMSgt, Ohio ANG

178 FW Ground Safety Manager

5319 Regula Ave., Springfield-Beckley MPT

Springfield, OH 45502-8784

(Com) 937.327.2223

(DSN) 346.2223

(Fax) 937.327.2121

(DSN Fax) 937.327.2121


"Dog: A kind of additional or subsidiary Deity designed to catch the overflow and surplus of the world's worship." -- Ambrose Bierce


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