>>1) They just want to keep some bees for stinging.  
I'm assuming then that they are not beekeepers of any sort.

Aaron,  I forgot to mention that the wife [who needs the stings] 
expressed an interest in learning about bees.  She suffers from some 
sort of lower back pain that's not due to spinal problems.  She's 
been through countless tests - still w/o a root cause.  Only one anti-
inflamatory drug and bee stings relieve the pain.  The drug has side 
effects and so the stings are preferable.  

>>2) They will be trying to confine bees to a nuc box, year round.  
That's difficult even for seasoned beekeepers.

True.  She could learn and could advise her.

>>...NYC where beekeeping is discouraged.
STRIKE THREE!  This is simply a BAD IDEA!

Actually backaward NYC prohibits beekeeping.  I believe the city can 
fine you $2,000 for breaking the ordinance.  Shame on NYC.  
Progressive cities like Paris encourage beekeeping and NYC is 

I think progressive cities should encourage and develop responsible 
beekeeping.  Even set aside lots or rooftops exclusively dedicated to 
beekeeping.  Mayor Bloomberg says he wants to make NYC the greenest 
city in the US in the next decade.  This could be a part of it.   

>>Get a closed nuc box (one with a hole drilled in the front for 
access/egress, cut a plastic queen excluder to the proper size and 
insert it so the queen will be restricted to one or two frames with 
no access to the entrance hole.

Another great idea!  Gotta love this list. :)  This approach is 
workable.  [The only negative is the drones will be trapped, if they 
will raise any drones at all.  This may be the price to pay though.] 

>>...might keep the population down sufficiently to thwart swarming.  
Then again, nature always finds a way.  Didn't you read 

You mean like bees moving an egg passed the excluder to raise a 
virgin on the other side of the fence?  [Did not read Jurassic Park 
but did see it on the big screen.]


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