> ...so many on the organic list do TBHs or both, though I mostly do langs.

You did not say so in so may words, but I take what you are saying to 
confirm that your bee stock have the same health and success rate in TBHs as 
in Langstroths?

> So do you do or have some TBHs now?

Sorry to say, I have almost no bees.  I've been travelling a lot, and spent 
two months sailing around in the Atlantic, NY canals and the Great Lakes 
last year at this time -- a critical beekeeping season -- then spent the 
summer -- another critical time -- down East, so I have pretty much quit 
beekeeping for the time being.

If I were to start over, and not plan on pollinating or other migratory 
wiork, I'd sure tale a good look at that approach. 

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