>> Colonies not fed pollen in CA display the symptoms of CCD.
Not true, Waldemar.  They are just weak and don't build up early 
enough for almonds.  No Calif beekeeper is confusing this with CCD.


Did you read the article?  The beekeeper runs several hundred hives 
in California for almond pollination.  He said bees that were not fed 
pollen supplements in the fall dwindled by January - old bees would 
use up their body protein reserves and disappear from the hives 
[perhaps on a death flight or looking for pollen?].  Perhaps some 
areas of California get more pollen that others?

From what I read, CCD manifests itself in worker force disappearance 
so the symptoms match.  I did not mean to imply that all of CCD is 
caused by pollen deprivation. 


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