On Fri, 27 Apr 2007 09:31:42 -0400, Timothy C. Eisele <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>.  Any contamination
>of the final crop by the *seed treatment* is going to be so trivial as
>to be undetectable.  Especially since the extraction and purification of
>the sucrose will reduce the concentrations by a factor of another few

Thanks for your input and I see how you come to the ppm conclusion. 

Since Imidacloprid is a systemic insecticide when used as seed treatment, would not the material 
be inside the plant and not affected by rain etc?  Can it bind on a molecular level in the beet? 

When you look at Atrazine for instance I have read I believe its .01 ppm can deform a frog. Not 
being able to comprehend the differences between atrazine and imidacloprid how do we know 
that some ppm of imidacloprid does not contribute to non-lethal effects on honeybees? 
Escpecially when we understand how Imidacloprid effects insect nervous systems and learning 
functions.  Plus you wonder where else can our bees in farm country pick up other traces of 
Imidacloprid from fruit, corn, canola sunflowers and even lawn treatments.

At what level is a cumulative trace of Imidacloprid a problem? What about interactions with other 
chemicals ? Their is some research that says fungicides and Imidacloprid applied simultaneously 
can magnify the lethal nature of imidacloprid. 

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