On Thu, 26 Apr 2007 07:17:21 -0400, Peter L. Borst <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Evan Skowronski, senior team leader for biosciences at the Army lab
>and a friend of DeRisi's, said that because the stake are high, every
>important lead in the search for the cause of the honeybee deaths
>needs to be pursued. Skowronski said there is no reason to think that
>the cause of Colony Collapse Disorder is "anything other than Mother

I wonder if Mr. Skowronski, is a beekeeper? That comment does not address the steady decline 
and frequent "crisises" in the industry over the last few years. 

While there may and continue to be different opinions on CCD, I would hope many people involved 
would agree that the trends are disturbing and some things need to change. 

IMO the things that need to change are;  Imidacloprid and systemic insecticide useage, harsh mite 
treatments and comb contamination, some migratory practices, subsequent stress on honeybees,  
and the inability to get Country Of Origin Labeling for honey to give beekeepers a better chance to 
run a profitable business .  

We are not operating in a sustainable environment and just solving CCD is not going to fix the bee 

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