add Clothianidin to the list of scary's, its from a similar class of insecticides called nicotinoids
as Imidacloprid

read what the EPA has to say about this material and honeybees

"Clothianidin has the potential for toxic chronic exposure to honey bees, as well as other 
nontarget pollinators, through the translocation of clothianidin residues in nectar and pollen. "

how can they simutaneously put this warning in their documents and also approve it for use? 

where are our bee lobbysists when we need them? or maybe we don't have any? 

its stricly a corn & CANOLA seed treatment 

from Bayer's website

Poncho® 250
For corn producers who want a safer, more convenient and effective method to control a wide 
range of corn insect pests, Poncho™ 250 seed-applied insecticide is the answer. Poncho 250 
seed-applied insecticide protects both seed and seedlings from the damaging effects of 
wireworms, cutworms, white grubs, seedcorn maggot, grape colaspis, flea beetles (to the 4th true 
leaf), southern corn leaf beetle, chinch bug, southern green stinkbug, aphids, thrips and other 
insect pests through both systemic and contact activity. Unlike most other corn insecticides, 
Poncho 250 is applied to the seed by the seed conditioner and delivered to the farm, on the seed, 
in the bag.

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