I just got off the phone with 

Gary Tucker, Insecticide Product Coordinator Florida
[log in to unmask]	(850) 487-2130

He indicated that Imidacloprid (Provado) use in oranges is minimal in past years mainly because it 
is a very expensive insecticide and most of the groves are for juice so the margins are low and the 
concern for cosmetic is low also. 

He did say that a newer pest the  citrus psyllid pest is a growing concern as its a carrier of a  
serious disease called citrus greening


Thus he thought there may be more possible use of Provado this season and in the future. More 
specialty citrus for eating would be the groves where Provado use is most likley as the margins are 
higher and fruit damage is more critical to keep low. 

FWIW they would be spraying now for this pest. 

He also noted the increased availability of the home owner version of Imidacloprid. 

Next is a similar call to the NE to see about Imidacloprid use on blueberries. 

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