On Fri, 23 Mar 2007 18:15:45 -0000, Peter Edwards <beekeepers@STRATFORD-UPON-

>Given the current problems with CCD, has anyone considered the effect of
>adding another chemical to the mix currently in hives?  

what current problems?

in the heartland of america (midwest) the jury is still out on CCD as to it being a substantial or 
even real problem. 

please note we have established that the losses are small enough that the demand for packages 
etc is not above normal in the USA. 

the often quoted statistic of 22 states is in question since most of the affected colonies are 
migratory and were not "home" anyhow during the winter. in addition the news media is just 
recycling the same reports from Nov/Dec with the occasional journalist and hobbyist spinning a 
tale of mystery , fear and intruige. 

we have heard reports of real losses in CA, although few if any details are included and are 
lumped under a headline of CCD in XYZ area. 

now that many beekeepers are checking over wintered colonies in the north I have heard nothing 
from my contacts in MN,WI,IA that indicates any bees are missing. winter losses are average to 
above as we had some harsh weather for about a month.  life goes on in the beeyard as normal.

trying to keep it real here in MN - Brian

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