Hi Randy, Dee and Everyone,

Such a test would be interesting. If you do it, I would be interested in the

But I've already done it using clean large cell comb, small cell comb and
natural comb. Worker cell size ranged from about 4.6mm to 5.4mm. Natural
comb had the full range of sizes. See:


The results have been reported here. I think, such a test would only benefit
a few individuals, if any. Most would need to do it and should 'prove' it
for themselves.

I think there's one factor that most beekeepers, here, just don't
understand. And that's the different focus those who have experienced the
successes of small cell have, versus the focus of those who are still
struggling with mites and the effects of treatments. The small cell guys are
beyond the mites and don't spend any time on them. Their thoughts, focus and
hive priorities are elsewhere. And others can get there, like they did, if
they want to. It's now, easier than ever.

Through time and after all that has been written and shared, the constant
cry of gimme, gimme becomes as irrelevant to the small cell beekeeper, as
the mites have.


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