On Mon, 19 Feb 2007 08:05:27 -0700, allen dick <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Another point in regard the question of cell size is that we have always
>known (even though the matter has been questioned) that older comb tends to
>have cocoons build up, resulting in small bees.  By many that was considered
>a Bad Thing.  FWIW.

I took over some colonies of a gentleman who kept bees for 65 years. When he passed away in 2004 
he had never used a strip in his hives instead an essential oil. 

His brood combs had many years of buildup and one could see with the naked eye that the italians 
he kept were smaller then the "average bee" in newer comb. 

FWIW  the colonies were near collapse. I had never seen so many mites in my life or DWV as prevelant 
etc. We nursed them back over 12 months with some soft treatments.

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