Your comments regarding the ongoing colony losses in the US caused more 
than a raised eyebrow.

I am not on site, nor in contact with any individual who has (is) 
directly involved! -
But, picking up on the statement that all commercial outfits that had 
lost colonies has EFB, and at the same time mis-diagnosed it for PMS 
make me ask:

If they thought it was PMS, then any test to indicated V.j. load levels 
would have sorted that point out to a negative or positive.
The EFB point again, if this is the main culprit - then why are there no 
  statements in public stating the fact that this is the simple cause of 
the losses. Heck, EFB would not be difficult for the academics of this 
world to id.

Would it not also be in the gossip rounds that colonies have died but 
had combs containing larva appearing to have acute stomach ache even 
though varroa levels were below threshold.

Are there so many individuals who cannot id. EFB?


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