----- Original Message -----
From: Dee Lusby <[log in to unmask]>
not that most all now
> from 125 bearly number even 9 anymore due to politics of
> the game.

I am small potatoes beekeeping-wise and am apparently ignorant as to 
the politics of the industry.   But since they come up when the 
discussion of smaller bees, and changing cell size, thelytoky and all 
of the things this manipulation is said to do for the bees and the 
beekeeper alike come up, I would like to know what political fallout 
has driven these beekeepers out of business?  Is beekeeping so fraught 
with political intrigue that 92.8% of the beekeepers you refer to have 
been eliminated from the "game"?

My experience is that "politics" is often used as a scapegoat for 
normal processes/attrition.  Can anyone show me that this is not the 
case in this instance?  I have asked this before, and never received a 
strait answer.  And IF so I think the answer may have a rather 
significant impact on the industry as a whole, commercial, sideliner 
and hobbyist.


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