>>Did you ever stop to think the small brood patches with
fresh eggs/larvae you saw were not canabalized, but bees
cleaning up dead young larvae from your treatment...

This clearly was not the case.  I had seen 3-4 cycles of honeybee 
canabalism (consistant with the atypical changes in outside 
temperature this winter) from mid-November to mid-January.  My 
treatment took place in mid-January.  I use 3.5% OA solution once a 

>>...what effect does it have on any nurse bees?...

This would be a good research project.  Summer nurse bees are 
somewhat different in age than winter nurse bees. 

>>...Effect the gut maybe for digestion problems also?

If the 3.5% OA solution gives honey bees a case of indigestion, it 
seems to be temporary and not lethal.  I am not suggesting OA is a 
honey-sweetened herbal tea...  It is a much lesser evil vis-a-vis 
blood sucking mites and mite-vectored viruses.


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