I planted an apple tree with 5 varieties grafted on it 3 years ago.  
It bloomed again this spring and produced several apples.  [It was 
very gratifying to see a few of my honeybees on the blooms.] Most of 
the apples fell before maturing and we harvested 2 with blemishes.  
We peeled the blemished skin and ate the flesh.  The flavor was 
unsurpassed.  Now I need to find organic methods to control blemishes 
and worms...

>>I won't even get into the nutritional value or flavor of what is 

The soils are getting more and more depleted of minerals.  Commercial 
farmers fortify the soil with the basic 3 fertilizers but don't 
replenish the minerals.  Every time, we go to the beach (it's a 15 
minute drive for us) I bring a couple of shopping bags and collect 
seaweed.  I work the seaweed into my garden soil.  I must say the 
vegetables grow very nicely and the flavor is superb.  Seaweed is 
loaded with minerals.  

On the other hand, I can do nothing about the mineral content in my 

>>...but does go into the chemicals that we cannot avoid that are now 
in our food, air and water due to modern agricultural practices.

Many plastics prevelant in our lives our bodies recognize as 
estrogens.  Elevated levels of estrogen, regardless of the source, 
can cause breast cancer etc.  The Japanese have a diet rich in 
soybeans that counter the effect of the artificial estrogens and they 
have a very low incidence of breast cancer.  Soy beans also produce 
nectar for the honeybees. :) 

>>I am a new beekeeper -- got two packages in 2004, split them in 
2005 and so now have 4.  

Welcome to a unique club and enjoy the fine art of beekeeping!


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