>>I did a lot of research on conventional and alternate treatments 
for cancer, especially my specific cancer. Most of the " 
natural"substances can inhibit some cancer's growth or kill it, but 
most of those studies are in a petri dish and not with people.

Bill, I am not an expert on cancer.  I do know cancer is an abnormal 
growth of cells that outpace healthy cells.  It seems to affect us 
more as we age since our DNA replication becomes increasingly 
imperfect.  In my view, nutritional supplements that help the cells 
repair the DNA are key to reversing and then preventing cancer.

>>cure route for her breast cancer. My wife told here about my 
arthritis and bee stings and that the stinging kept the cancer in 
check. Maybe so, but there are people who did not get stung and their 
melanoma did not spread.

It seems to me that the stinging triggered something in the body that 
allowed it to help itself.  Without chemo or radiation.  This is 
good.  Stinging is beneficial in a significant number of MS cases, 
too.  I don't hold my breath that the medical establishment will warm 
up to it any time soon though.  Beekeeping reps don't offer 
doctors/nurses free perks like dinners etc.

I am not a big fan of the so-called 'quack-busters.'  It's not a 
topic for this list.

>>But what cured me was surgery to take it out and that it had not 

I am glad that surgery was helpful.  My wife is an RN in the 
operating room so I get a lot of first-hand info but surgery is the 
last resort for me.  A lot of surgery is preventable with life style 

As far as medical care and hospitals, I'd refer to a recent issue of 
Newsweek.  There is an objective article on how some hospitals are 
starting to turn themselves around. It's encouraging.

>>Plus, there was one more false statement. Many health organizations 
(including my HMO and the two hospitals in my area) promote 
preventative medicine.

In a periodic circular sent to members or in practice?  I am of a 
different opinion.  If I had my way, medicine would primarly be used 
to evaluate one's health, provide healthy guidelines and then focus 
on monitoring one's well being.  Those choosing to smoke, drink, use 
drugs, let themselves get obese etc. would be required to bear their 
disproportionate portion of today's healthcare costs.  I realize this 
would not be easy to implement but it should be the goal. 

>>Euell died soon after his last book of heart disease. The natural 
crowd tried to blame it on other things. But all those natural foods 
should have taken care of any disease.

This is wrong.  Natural foods don't contain all the nutrients in 
sufficient quantities we need to maintain wellness.  Good luck in 
finding carnosine in a plant food!  According to quality studies, 
supplementation is needed.  If you ever notice, strict 
vegetarians who don't supplement age quite quickly. 

>>I love the latest research that show that an extensive exercise 
regimen and staying thin add 10 months to your life compared to 
moderate sloth and moderately overweight..

Good exercise is 25% of the recipe.  The other 25% is good 
nutrition.  The remaining 50% is your mindset.

>>The key to living long is to pick your parent carefully and enjoy 
the life God has given you..

;-) I agree although I have not seen any evidence that the 1st part 
is possible...  One has to work with what they have been given.  If 
you continually strive to eliminate toxins (chem and stress), you 
automatically increase your chances of a long, healthy life.  


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