‘American Bee Journal’ Spetember 2001, page 648 has a dimmensioned drawing of a polariscope. 

The dimmensions aren’t real critical. It’s a box roughly 7 inches on each side with a 75 watt light 
bulb inside. At the front of the box is 6 inch square sheet of polarizing film. A second sheet of 
film with its polarizing plane oriented 90º perpendicular is placed about 6 inches in front of the 
other sheet. 

‘The Hive and the Honey Bee’, page 909, also shows a polariscope. 

Check with photographic suppliers for the polarizing film. I used this company back in 2001 since 
I couldn’t find any one locally that carried it:


At the time they carried a ROSCO #7300 19x20 inch polarizing filter sheet. You only need two 6-
inch square pieces though, so you might check to see how many others are interested in making 

Dick Allen

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