>>take plenty of iced water and no sugar drinks, but do take
fresh fruit juice and fresh fruit like oranges. You learn

Arizona has *nice* dry heat.  Our NY summers are muggy with the 
humidity often above 90%.  The only way for the body to cool itself 
is to perspire profusely...  One does tire quickly.  The more one 
drinks, the more one perspires...  You don't feel like doing anything 

I've found drinking a glass of water thoroughly mixed with a spoonful 
of raw honey in the morning, keeps me going all day in the heat.  
I'll need to keep drinking water [w/o honey] throughout the day to 
replace losses but I will not tire and will stay focused.

Nothing else seems to work the same way.  I suppose Getorade can have 
the same affect but I am not crazy about its taste.

>>brush and take honey one frame at a time.

This is also my method. :)

What is your approach to swarm prevention and do you set up bait 
hives to catch any swarms that might issue from your hives?



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