Waldemar writes:

Is there any data to support this?  AHB moved through EHB
territiry from Brazil all the way to the American
South-West, and their defensive nature has not abated
according to the reports.  AHB produce drones quicker,
earlier in the season and are reported to have the upper
hand in mating.

This is where our fight with Testing data bases, and how
done comes into play (FABIS and others), and also another
reason for SC field management(placing bees back onto a
natural system). For Dr Shepard and others (Taylor comes to
mind) have noted mating breakouts, which IMPOV is size
related, so much have honeybees been upsized by LC
foundations, to the detriment of races/strains for broader
variability. You see change one word and "SCBs produce
drones quicker, earlier in the season and are reproted to
have the upper hand in mating.", or in this case one on one
combat, besides making for gentlier bees to keep that are
also mite tolerant and disease tolerant also. But added,
now coloration starts to play a big part! Oh, the price of

Respectfully submitted,

Dee A. Lusby
Small Cell Commercial Beekeeper
Moyza, Arizona

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