What Mike says about inspections happening when the Beekeeper can't be there is correct. This should happen with the okay of the Beekeeper.
   In NY, Apiary Inspectors often work far away from home. They try to get as many yards done in a day as is possible. They try to accomidate the Beekeeper, when possible. If the Beekeeper can't be present at time of inspection, the Beekeeper can insist that they be present and put off the inspection until it is mutually convenient. This sometimes or maybe often means that an inspection doesn't get done in that yard that year. There is so much territory to cover. There are only so many Inspectors.
  In NY, the Apiary Inspectors are instructed to try to make phone contact with the Beekeeper, before going to do the inspection. This is done to notify the Beekeeper that an Inspector is working their area and wants to do an inspection. If phone contact doesn't occur, the Inspector may go by the location and attempt contact in person. If no contact is made then the Inspector should go on to the next apiary. And try the phone contact again, to schedule an inspection.
  Most importantly, the Beekeeper should insist on being present if that is what the Beekeeper wants. The Apiary Inspector will comply, in NYS.
  Mark Berninghausen
Mike Stoops <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
  One complaint that some of our beekeepers have is that the inspectors come when the owners can't be there . But.... Call and set up a mutually acceptable time for inspection.


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