Jerry Bromenshenk wrote:
> All
> We're developing a new product that will incorporate a varroa screen.  
> I'm looking for sources of screening materials, want to identify the 
> best product, looking worldwide.

We converted to mesh bottom boards in 1998-2000 using a 1/8 inch 
polyethylene mesh we had on hand for catfish fingerling cages.  It is 
easy to work, cuts with a knife, can be stapled on, cheap (about $1 per 
bottom board, last I looked), and durable. No danger of cutting yourself 
on it either.  We staple it on from the inside, tho it can eventually 
develop some slack if you need a perfectly flat surface. The percentage 
of open space is better than some other products. Drawbacks are that it 
will tear if you drop the corner of a box, or something similar directly 
on it, and mice could eat through it, though here in piedmont SC that 
has not been a problem.  Even when torn it still is effective for 
varroa, but no longer bee-proof for moving. I have seen adult small hive 
beetles try to go through it and fail.   There are a number of 
suppliers. I have used Memphis Net and Twine, where it is code PN1, 
single rolls for $26.45 US for 36 inch X 50 foot rolls, plus shipping. 
Shipping weight is 12 pounds, another bonus.  Not for everybody, 
probably, but most of our beekeeping association use it and are happy 
with it.

The following is the Memphis N&T page for it:

Carolyn Ehle
Lakelands Beekeepers Association
Plum Branch, SC

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