>Also, color in honey bees has never been connected to behavior.
>That doesn't mean that it shouldn't, nor other physical
>characteristics of similarity. What price have we paid for
>not doing this? IMPOV you might be surprised.

My fault. I should have said color ISN'T connected to behavior, just like
eye color in humans. Get it? It ISN'T connected. There is NO connection
between the color of bees and behavior. I have seen extremely docile bees
that were a beautiful golden color and ones that were black as coal. And
what is the price we have paid that you are talking about? Sorry, but a lot
of your statements are so vague that I really have no idea whatsoever what
you are talking about. If you are going to join a public forum you should at
least make an effort to be understood, instead of making cute statements
like "You might be surprised!" Frankly, these days, nothing surprises me.

Isis Glass
Concord, Mass.

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