Which characteristic should NEW-BEEKS be more concerned with: Queens who
come from locales with similar climates as ours or those who exhibit
hygienic behaviors to help deal with Varroa (or is this an apples and
oranges question)?

As we're still in the learning process (I like the fact that most of you are
also despite your years and years of experience), we're unsure how to
proceed when we acquire new queens for our splits next spring.  Our first
nucs had KONA Carniolans in them and did a great job drawing out numerous
frames of foundation this year so we requeened with Kona Carniolans and

Should we have paid more attention to the dramatic climatic conditions that
exist between Hawaii and western Maryland?

As always, we appreciate the continued education...

Dave and Kristi Lehr (NEW BEEKS)
Carroll County Beekeepers Association
Westminster, MD

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