[log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> ...I continued to see mites and DWS bees into November.

and, later,

> ...I have not seen DWS in the ferals that I have removed.  But my
untreated ferals hived in standard equipment show DWS in 1-2 years.

Not knowing what was meant, I searched BEE-L and found find "DWS" only in
three posts, and all from the same writer, with no explanation.  I Googled
for "DVS and bee" and came up empty.  I then made a leap, Googled "DWV and
bee" and got tonnes.

Is DWS something like DWV, or something different?  Does eveybody but me
know what is meant?


Knowledge comes, but wisdom lingers.
            -- Alfred Lord Tennyson

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