        Could you give us an update on your Spartan Mitezapper?  Have you
found a manufacturer for your product?  Although we've only started out with
three hives, I'd be interested in testing to see if our bees would remove
the "zapped" drone pupa  from their cells.
        Admittedly, I continue to be amazed at how neat and tidy our bees
are although we have Kona Carniolan and Italian queens in our colonies (I
didn't think they're particularly known for their hygienic behavior).  My
observations have led me to believe that the greater majority of our bees
WOULD attempt to draw comb on "charred" foundation if not charred too badly.
I had to scrape a few areas and damaged the plasticell foundation in the
process but the bees have since repaired my clumsiness with the hive tool.
I'd appreciate anyone's input, observations, thoughts and opinions on the
above subjects.  Thanks for the continued education.  Dave sends.

Dave Lehr
Carroll County Beekeepers Association
1st year Beekeeper
Westminster, Maryland

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