Responding to Eric,

Not sure if the last letter went thru.  Here it is
again Quotes ommited.

So you dislike the way small cell advocates define
organic.  But you choose to call this "hijacked"

You also dislike the way the NOS has defined
organic,,, BUT you do not label this "hijacked"??????

That's how chemicals creep into organics, where they
do not belong.  The "it's more humane to treat" and
not let bees or the poor beekeeper suffer.

Agree!  But it's the way I keep bees,,, and I walk my

A big cause bad past breeding practices.   And there
are MANY, MANY more cures and reasons.  IMO, small
cell accounts for only a part of the cure.

I'll back you up!  Same as many here are passionate
about their breeding methods and the queens they
raise, and promote it as the way bees should be kept
and bred.  Small cellers are also passionate about
organic beekeeping and express the same passion in
talking organics.  I do not accuse others on this list
of hijacking "methods of keeping and breeding bees",
nor do I use such terms or name calling when
describing their methodry.

Are you really organic if you are treating your hives
for pests?  If you look at Webster's definition, this
is not organic.

The problem is that there is a constant pressure to
warp morality or definations so that treatments can be

That's an example of the "every body's doing it so why
can't I ,,,,?"

You folks argue that the use of formic acid is ok
because it is naturally found in honey.  Hair and
garlic are not found in the honey I harvest. ;>)

Smoke is not usually used as a treatment.


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