this is a very sweet swarm story.
i am eating lunch when my cell rings and the pest removal guy calls to tell
me of a swarm at a car dealership. it happens to be less than a mile from
where in am eating. i have my veil and gloves but no box.
when i drive up i immediately see the swarm, huge. on a branch of a pine
tree 3 feet in the air. i asked the owner of the car dealership for a box
and some duct tape. i put the box on the ground under the branch, shook the
branch and they all fell in. i looked hopefully and there was the queen.
after 10 minutes i shook the branch to get the stragglers. then i left a
3"X3" flap of the box open for about 15 minutes until all but a few were
flying about. a little duct tape to seal the box and a bunch of air holes
poked in the box.
when i got home i put them in a nuc with 4 frames.

does it get any better?

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