In the archives, a couple of comments were made about reusing baggie feeders:

>One of the questions asked about baggie feeders: (You can't refill them once they are slit.)  I
dislike the ecology of this; we gotta save the plastic trees too!

>Can you re-use the slit baggies? Am I cheap or what?

Yes, they can be reused. Simply leave them in place on top of the frames where they are easily
refilled using a garden sprayer. Place sprayer’s wand into the slit of the baggie and squeeze the
handle. Try it. It works like a charm. If your bees get a little rambunctious while you’re filling the
baggie, just give them a quick shot of syrup spray and they calm right down. No smoke required.
As far as being cheap, I prefer the term ‘frugal’.

Dick Allen

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