Thanks for your information.  I had thought about feeding the honey back at
 some point just didn't want to do it with medication on or even didn't want
 to allow the queen up into my supers allowing brood.     I think what I
end up doing  is leaving them on top until I have to medicate then storing
them until
 after spring medication next year.

 ----- Original Message -----
 From: "Matthew W." <[log in to unmask]>
 To: <[log in to unmask]>
 Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2004 10:22 AM
 Subject: Re: [BEE-L] Feeding back

 Maybe I'm missing something in your post but isn't your solution simply to
give the 'full' honey super(s) directly into your hive(s) anyplace above
brood?  Perhaps you have something different you're trying to accomplish?
If you're trying to transfer frame honey directly into your hives it

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