The much-less scary remnants of hurricane Ivan wandered
through central and western Virginia today, but I am happy
to report that we saw this one coming, and all hives in the
15-hive yard that took a "direct hit" from a small tornado
survived without a scratch.

A small few trees were uprooted, but not even a single outer cover
was blown off.  Given that it was cloudy and rainy all day, we
may have not lost even a single bee.

The secret ingredients were ratchet straps on the tallest hives
and ropes on the shorter hives running between stakes on either
side of each hive.

The punch line is that the Weather Channel, after upgrading the
Tornado Watches to Tornado Warnings, and the Flood Watches to Flood
Warnings this afternoon, played the 1960s tune "Cast Your Fate To
The Winds" as the background music for their every-10 minute local
weather report.

...somebody at the Weather Channel has a VERY twisted sense of humor.


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