> This being due to the fact that I do not know if the refractometer is
> correctly set.  I need to know if my 18.2% humidity level in my Canola
> honey is really 18.2%.

> Is it possible to create a standard medium of known moisture %, one that
> may be created by the average beekeeper in domestic conditions?

There's no need to create one - standard fluids exist for the purpose.
Here's one source, another may be the maker of your refractometer.


Or, if you are really cheap, take your refractometer to a honey
show, and calibrate it against one of the honey judges.

Once calibrated, I paint some red fingernail polish over the
adjustment screw to eliminate any possible bumping, and act
as a "calibration seal".  This worked great with my old Atago,
but I have not owned my new one long enough to know if it will
stay within calibration for a season.  So far, so good...

      jim (If apes really can communicate with
           humans, why have none asked why
           they are being held captive?)

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