Bob said,

>I always experiment with a new product and did with Api life var.
>Using less of a product is always legal but not more.

Not so.  In the US, all registered pesticides have label instructions on how
it must be used and any usage outside of those instructions are technically
illegal - even using less of a product than what the label specifies.  Of
course, you will likely never get arrested for it and it happens all the
time - as you so well pointed out.  But that is the sort of behavior that
leads to resistant varieties of the pest you are trying to control and even
bigger problems down the road.

Having said that, I do not know if Api Life Var is a registered pesticide or
not, but I suspect it is.  The casual, but flagrant violation of the
pesticide laws by many beekeepers I find to be nothing short of amazing - as
evidenced by my own assembling of an oxalic acid vaporizer this past

Randy Flaming


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