>> Growing things in Maine is a challenge. Those who have lived here a
>> while know, in Maine, there are only two seasons, winter and the 4th
>> of July.

>> Bill Truesdell (as I type this, wearing a sweatshirt to stay warm.)
>> Bath (the frozen tundra), Maine

> Growing things has its challenges here also, where we have also
> two seasons, pleasant and hot. It's been over 100 several times
> lately. We hit 106 Saturday, with 100% humidity. I guess that
> finishes the 'maters....

> Wouldn't it be nice if we could strike a happy medium? Fortunately
> we are supposed to cool to the low 90s the rest of the week.

The happy medium between Maine and South Carolina is, of course,
Virginia.  Upper 70s today, and low humidity.  Maybe low 80s this
weekend at worst.  The only drawback is that on quiet afternoons
we are bothered by the faint sound of beekeeper teeth grinding from
Maine to Florida!

                jim (Summer better than others!)

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