I'm a new beekeeper, new to bees, etc, working with about 65 hives in 6

One location has only 1 hive, it's quite a drive to service it and the
owner wants to relocate it to one of the other sites for economic reasons.
I've offered to buy the hive, leaving it where it's at (it's a nice drive
for me, peaceful and very scenic).

The current beekeeper and I visited the hive today. It's strong, surviving
a brush fire that destroyed the other hive, 1 deep and 2 Westerns. Plenty
of brood. Bees are active, foragers are returning loaded down with pollen -
the bees are happy and gentle.

How does one value a single hive? From the owner's perspective, the
revenues from honey from this one hive probably don't (or wont) cover the
cost of maintaining the single hive - it was more of a specialty honey
thing. To move the hive is going to be an expense (and an effort due to
it's location).

Any suggestions?


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