In message <[log in to unmask]>,
Howard McGinnis <[log in to unmask]> writes
>There were several
>emerging workers, the head poking out of the cell. Perhaps 7 or 8 on each
>side, but dead.
As George said - chilling. When I leave colonies without treatment to
see how well they overwinter, I often find them weaker than I wanted and
with dead workers like yours. I suspect the colony loses bees due to
weakening and shortened lives and just cannot keep the brood warm enough
as the cluster contracts. They recover after treatment (I use a thymol
based one) and where necessary, additional frames and bees from the
strongest colonies.
> I also saw a dead worker head in a cell.
Usually starvation, but in large numbers in a foodless area of the
>I've had a chance to see a worker emerge and don't remember any workers
>helping her emerge
Not done for workers - queens, yes.
James Kilty

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