>The problem I have had over the last two years is gettin U.S. queen
>to *understand* what the hell a few of us beekeepers are talking about.
>Myself and a handful of beekeepers simply want to install and evaluate
>Russian line as imported into the U.S..                                >
>The truth is not many queen breeders are ABLE to set up a remote site to
>produce the Russian/Russian production queen.
 I ordered mine from the same person you got yours from last year, until
you posted about your problems finding straight russians I assumed I was
getting straight russians, but it was to late to try and find anything
else.  One of your previous posts gave me the Idea to put in the mongrel
russians, let them go for a couple of months so the droans are russian,
get an II russian queen to raise new queens from and let the droans from
the mongrel russians mate with these queens, should be straight russian.
because the original russian quees will now be replace with straight
russians, the next year I hope to get a second different ii russian to mix
in. I do realize one bad ii queen could ruin my whole year but worth a try.
 I don't see where the queen breeders have any incentive to sell straight
russians as now you have to buy them every year since you don't have
straight bees and as you say how can you evaulate them the way they are.
If the queen breeders don't start providing them straight I would feel
that the money the govenment spent on this project is a waste. oh well as
i get older I get more used to it. thanks for the information.

mike bassett

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