France bans insecticide allegedly linked to bee deaths
The Associated Press; 2/23/04
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France on Monday suspended sales of an insecticide that allegedly was killing bees. Agriculture Minister Herve Gaymard said farmers who use insecticides containing the chemical Fipronil would be able to exhaust supplies on hand through the spring, but sales were ended Tuesday.

The case emerged in 2001 when keepers noticed their bees were dying off in unusually high numbers. A beekeepers association criticized the government for not investigating their claims earlier.

The sales suspension came as a judge in southwest France started legal action against a subsidiary of German chemical giant Bayer AG, saying it sold its Regent TS insecticide containing Fipronil without proper approval. The judge told reporters he was shocked by the disregard for bees.
Matthew Shepherd, Pollinator Conservation Program Director
The Xerces Society
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