Hi Bob, Dave & All,

>I do not doubt Dave's observations and only adding mine because they are
>different than Dave's observations.

That's because you and Dave are talking about two different things in all
respects. Your talking mainly about requeening or putting a new queen into a
queen right colony and Dave is speaking of supersedures and swarm queens.
Not the same thing at all. workers will kill the queen if a foreign mated
queen is just dropped in on them with a laying queen already in the hive. I
am wondering why there is so much confusion discussing these different
queens and how some of you are mixing these queen definitions up. I feel for
the newbees trying to make heads or tails from this.

. . ..   Keith Malone, Chugiak, Alaska USA, http://www.cer.org/,
c(((([ Caucasian Bee Keeper, http://takeoff.to/alaskahoney/,

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