I have another question about something we recently discussed. I've
combined hives in the good eucalyptus locations and have a situation where
there is a major flow with lots of bees but it still gets down to freezing
an night. I would like to try the method of putting the queen with just a
frame or two of brood and pollen/honey in the bottom brood box, and the
other brood above. Now Murray says he puts the left over brood on the top
of the hive. Due to the temperature at night, wouldn't it be better for me
to put the brood just over the excluder? And another question. About how
long do you think a young queen would take to fill the bottom brood
chamber? In other words, about how long given the circumstances of a good
flow, young queen, etc.. could I leave her in the brood chamber (with one
or two frames of brood) with an excluder on top, and still not have to
worry about swarming?


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