Ed said:

> In my training I was taught that all plants doing
> photosynthesis (including the cane sugar plant,
> beet sugar plant and all flowering plants included)
> acquire their carbon from the carbon dioxide of the air.

The difference depends upon the specific photosynthetic
process used by each plant.  Honey "should" be made from
"C3" (Calvin cycle) plants rather than "C4" (Hatch-Slack

> The ratio of carbon-12, carbon-13 and radioactive carbon-14 in
> carbon dioxide is constant worldwide and so in all living plants

The ratio of C-13 to C-12 is exactly what varies between C3
and C4 type plants.  Carbon-14 is a non-issue here.

A Google search on "C3 photosynthesis", "C4 photosynthesis",
"Calvin cycle", or "Hatch Cycle" ought to give you the information
you want.

        jim (Who wonders: What Would Jesus Do...
           ...for a Klondike Bar?)

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